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Cool things you didn’t know about Slovakia

We discovered a couple of intriguing facts about Slovakia. Continue reading!

01 Genetics

Slovakia has excellent genetics.
These celebrities have Slovak parents or grandparents:

  • Angelina Jolie (grandfather from Kosice)
  • Hepburn Audrey (grandmother born in Kovarce)
  • Warhol Andy (mother from Mikova)
  • Newman Paul (mother from Pticie)
  • Jon Bon Jovi (grandmother)
  • Reitman Ivan (parents from Komarno)

02 The altar

The altar of St. Jakub from Master Pavol of Levoca is about 19 meters high, making it the world’s tallest Gothic timber altar. The altar was completely rebuilt for the next hundred years between 2012 and 2015.

03 The geyser

We have a unique active geyser in Slovakia that spouts water up to a height of 15 meters. Every one and a half days, it bursts. Similar geysers can only be found in Iceland. This one was discovered in Herany.

04 A gold treasure

During construction work in Kosice, a great treasure, over 3,000 gold pieces, a two-meter-long gold necklace, and medals from the 17th century, was miraculously discovered (and not immediately lost). It can be found in the Vychodoslovenske museum.

05 Close capitals

Bratislava and Vienna, Europe’s closest adjacent capitals (for a double dose of culture and pleasure), are only 60 kilometers apart – one hour by bus.

06 Fresh water

Slovakia has the second greatest natural freshwater supply behind Austria. It’s mostly Zitny ostrov’s subsurface reserves. Our taps are filled with high-quality drinking water.

07 Devil’s rock

In Slovakia, the Devil possesses a rock. A one-of-a-kind natural phenomena known as Devil’s Rock may be seen on a nature walk near Budca village (Zvolen). A large round boulder perched on a sliver of a high cliff is incredibly photogenic.

08 Really large horse

The Sport and Congress Center in Samorin-Cilistov houses the world’s tallest horse statue. It is entirely built of stainless steel, is about nine meters tall, and weighs 20 tons.

09 Wooden churches

Almost 50 remarkably well-preserved wooden churches can be found throughout Slovakia. They are all-wood and without a single nail, and they are part of UNESCO’s cultural heritage. The oldest is the St. Francis of Assisi Church in Hervatov (near Bardejov). It was constructed about 1500.

10 A solar horolage

Stará Bystrica is home to the world’s only horologe that displays the true solar time. It is also Slovakia’s largest wooden statue.

11 Moving Betlehem

Let’s chat about the unusual timber sights some more. A massive 8.5 m long Bethlehem with moving figures, built over 15 years, can be found in Rajecká Lesná’s House of Mercy.

12 Namedays

Every day in our country, one or two names are issued. It’s even on all of our calendars! This means that when your nameday arrives, there will be a party, just like on your birthday.

13 The vast underground

The cellars beneath Cerveny Kamen castle form the largest underground complex in Central Europe. In addition, the oldest pharmacy in the world was founded here in 1649.

14 The 3000 years old toy

The oldest archeological toy discovery in Central Europe was made at a site near Koice. A four-wheeled pushcart discovered in a child’s burial dates from circa 1600 BC. It is on display at the SAV Archaeological Institute in Kosice.

15 The first folk architecture village in the world

The wooden town at the foothills of the Stráov Hills will take your breath away! All of the gingerbread houses are unique! The settlement was first mentioned in the year 1272.

16 The world’s highest cave column

The sinter column in Krasnohorska cave stands 32 meters tall and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.